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Luverna Carter

Today my mother in law would have been 83. I’ve been thinking a lot of her lately for many different reasons. She was a lovely woman with a huge heart and capacity for love. Whenever you would see her, she was always giving you some kind of little “love gift”. (When she passed away, our supply of decent socks quickly dwindled. :)) I think what I appreciated most about her is her quiet, unassuming acceptance of me. She never made me feel unloved, unappreciated, or unwanted. I have heard horror stories of demanding mother-in-laws, but Mom Carter was none of these. She loved me and I loved her. I had a great example, should the Lord so direct, of how to treat my daughter-in-law(s). I know this is technically my writing blog and I realize that I haven’t written all that much about writing this month… but honestly so much of writing comes from life experiences. In the story I am promoting this month, Detour: Destination Abiding Love the mother-in-law is the opposite of Mom Carter. Well, at least throughout most of the story’s plot. When you have a role model, which you admire, it’s pretty easy to create a character with the opposite traits.

Though perhaps next time I write a story, I should have a character just like Mom -- the hub of the Carter family. Blue eyes, short hair, glasses, a deck of cards ready to play, family members nearby -- or at least the phone so she can talk to them, a helpful heart willing to iron any article of clothing, no matter how wrinkled they may be, tasteful jewelry worn with pride and given in love by someone special, gladiolas, something purple, and I can’t forget… I’ll leave the TV on in her house for a little background noise.

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