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Luke 2:18-20 (New International Version)

“and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.”

My Lesson~

Last night I was on the phone with Jonathan and Alyssa. Jon asked, “So whatcha been up to, Mom?” I told him I was just wondering before he called what I could share on the blog. (I was still pondering yesterday’s challenge and wasn’t quite ready to move on.) They tried to help me brainstorm, but none of my sons read anything on Facebook, and since Alyssa has only seen a few posts, they didn’t know what I’ve already shared. 

However, Alyssa started just talking about things she noticed about Bella and one caught my attention. “Did you talk about how delicately she eats?” Huh… no, I don’t think I have.

Bella takes one or two pieces of kibble at a time, carries it away from her bowl, eats it and then returns for the next piece. Glenn and I are both speedy eaters. To have our pup, who knows how to savor each and every bite, is different in the best kind of way possible. So many times I’m in such a rush to get to tomorrow that I forget to embrace today.

There’s things to savor if I slow down enough to enjoy it; the cardinal on the feeder, the warmth of my hot coffee, the clean smell of shampoo and soap while I shower, my Bible’s soft cover in my hand, warm fuzzy slippers. I zip right through the many blessings God has given to me to enjoy. And that brings my thoughts back to advent. I have something embarrassing to confess. I love to have the Christmas decorations up after Thanksgiving, but even now, I’m looking forward to January 1st when they come down. See, that’s what I mean when I say I’m always in a hurry. Something in me is always looking to “that next thing.”

Even in this season, when I intentionally try to slow down and prepare my heart to celebrate the birth of Christ, part of my brain is hard-wired to the future “to-do” list. Today, I want to savor the Word and the story of Jesus’ birth. To ponder and Mary did and treasure them up in my heart.

Prayer~ Lord, for those things that are important to feed my soul… spending time in prayer, reading Your Word, fellowship with Your children, abiding in You… help me not to rush. Instead, may like Bella, I savor and embrace my time with You.

In Christ name, Amen.

Challenge~ Read Luke 2:1-20 or watch Charlie Brown Christmas to remember and focus on what Christmas is all about. Mediate, ponder, be in wonder and awe at all the Lord has done.  


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