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Day Twenty~

Scripture: Psalm 25:6-8 (New International Version)

“Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.”

My Lesson: The sweet puppy days are quickly fleeting. Actually, according to Google, at 5.5 months of age, Bella has begun the adolescence stage in her growth and development. This comes as no surprise to me. I was telling my friend, Faith, last night that I’ve been noticing changes in Bella’s physical body and behavior off and on for the past few weeks. The sweet little puppy scent has faded, the sharp, shark-like teeth are falling out and growing in there place is the thick, white, healthy enamel of her permanent teeth. Soft, fluffy, downy hair has turned into a thicker, curlier coat... and her heat can start any day.

When I started writing my blog right before Thanksgiving, she was all about pleasing "her people" Now she's about testing her limits. If you say, "come", you have a 50-50 chance of her obeying -OR- running in the opposite direction. And here’s the kicker, the article said this stage lasts for 6-18 months! (Now I understand why she’s not ready to undergo training to be a therapy dog yet.)

Oh, those teenage years. We all managed to live through them and some of us have raised our children through this stage. What I remember most about that time in my life is how I thought I knew A LOT and that my parents knew NOTHING. :) How my understanding of reality has changed throughout the years. Unfortunately, when it comes to my relationship with God, I still often respond as an adolescent. My pride is bigger than my understanding and rebellion often marks my attitude. If I don’t like His will, I’ll try to skirt around it or ignore it. 

You know what, it never goes well for Bella when she’s acting like that. In love, out of my desire for her to grow into the amazing little dog she has all the potential of being -- I will discipline her. She’s so smart, loving, affectionate, and capable of so much. I will not let her go unchecked because if I do, the wonderful dog she has all the markings of growing into will be stunted. She’d wind up being a little yappy monster that bites, jumps on people, and stinks because she doesn’t want a bath. I don’t want that kind of dog! Gulp -- I don’t want to be that kind of person. Oh, Lord, have mercy on me. 

Thankfully, God never loses sight of MY potential and never gives up on me, His child. I realize tough days are ahead for our pup as she battles our authority, but I will train her to the best of my ability -- for her good and His glory. Praise God, as my Heavenly Father, He does no less for me.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for those times when I think I know best, when I harden my heart to Your commands and go my own way. Thank you for Your love and that you discipline me when I need it. Help me remember Your heart is for me. Help me lean into You rather than rebel against what you are teaching me. In Christ’s name, Amen.  

Invitation: Examine your heart. Is there something that you’re trying to hold back from God? Give Him free reign to be 100% in the driver’s seat of your life -- to go, do, and be wherever/whatever it is He’s calling you to. What is He asking you to surrender to Him today?

One day I'd like to train Bella like this~
One day I'd like to train Bella like this~



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