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Projects, anyone?

I have a day off work since the primary care provider I usually assist on Tuesday’s is out of town. So guess what I get to do? Tackle taking apart a dishwasher. (I was thinking this is something my Jonathan would love to help me with, but oh… the joys of sending our children off to college.) This machine has been broken for over a week. Today is the day for me to diagnose if this is something I can handle or if it’s time to call in a repairman. Things I’m grateful for: 1) A dishwasher that usually works fine. 2) My dad, who growing up showed me there is nothing to fear in trying to fix it yourself. 3) For the internet that has many helpful links demonstrating how I may go about repairing it. 4) The time off today to tackle above said project. Will I actually be able to fix it? Honestly, I don’t know -- but that’s the beauty in trying. Instead of looking at this as a mess to fix; I’m determined to look at is as a possibility. A possibility to learn something new, a possibility to remember those I love who have spoken into my life by working side by side with me in the past, the possibility of not having to wash all the dishes by hand today, and (keeping my fingers crossed on this one) the possibility of saving an unnecessary bill. Speaking of projects, I am praying about my writing and would covet your prayers as well. I have approximately 8 weeks time that will be different this summer, possibly affording me the availability to work on a few writing projects. I have the rights back for: The Roarin’ 20’s historical series, the children’s fiction PROFESSOR WAMPUM’S EXPERIMENT, Hidden Paths, and Paradox. I’m wondering if I should edit (and expand where needed) these stories and self publish, submit to another publisher, or put them to rest. I also am waiting to hear back on my Dystopian fiction novel that is currently in an acquisitions editor’s hand. Then, there have been these moments when the little nudging of a new plot. Yet, I wonder if this is time well spent realizing that my stories, while fun to write, in all honesty reaches very few. Is there something else or someone else that God would have me invest these moments in? Please pray with me that I would have a soft heart to hear His direction for His calling on my summer.

How about you? What projects are you working on or how can I pray for you?

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