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Next stop -- Writer's Conference

This isn’t my typical blog post sharing something I’m thinking about or learning. Instead I'm going to update you a bit of what’s happening this month in my writing world. I’ve been preparing for a conference. I have chosen my workshops

and submitted my request to meet with a few agents/editors. It’s an exciting time, where I’m looking forward to God’s leading. A week or so ago, I had the chance to see a friend I hadn’t seen in years. It was so fun to catch up! She had asked me about what I’ve been up to and she something along the lines of, “oh, yeah… and you’re an author now too.” Even after writing since the boys were little, it still sounds so strange and foreign to me. I never have (nor may ever) identify myself as an author. Rather, I think of my writing as a little hobby and each story as a labor of love. I could go into a bit more details of why this may be so, but instead of taking your time up with that I’d like to ask for your help. Below you will find the meat of a “one-sheet” I’d like to take with me. Attached to this will be a full synopsis and the first few chapters of the story. Can you tell me if you were an editor, would this catch your interest? Does it seem clear enough for you to get a feel for the story or is there something missing? Is there anyway I can make this better? *It needs to stay short and sweet. It’s like a resume and can not be more than one page. So, here goes…

(c) 2018 J.C. Carter

You’d like to believe heroes always win, wrongs can always be made right, odds can be overcome… but what if you lived in Edhen, where one choice could end the life of everyone you know; would you still believe?

Title/Length: Acquiescent, a completed 51,000+-word YA speculative fiction novel.

How Edhen Came to be: An engineered strain of bacteria kills almost all plants, causing a collapse of the food supply. A mass group of chosen people board an ark, The Scow, and placed in hibernation chambers. They sleep for sixty six years deep within the earth, which during that time they believed the resources would be renewed. However, upon reentry to the surface, they realize the bacteria was more rampant than they had expected. The citizens aboard the Scow, other then the Remnant, are the only survivors. Those from the Scow form a type of United Nations Government, ruling with one power, one currency, one healthcare system. Acquiescent, the first in this speculative fiction series, picks up one hundred, sixty years later after the return to earth, to a land they call Edhen.

Blurb: Tyrell’s journey to adulthood begins when he chooses to either join the Dominion or reject their offer. If he stays within the usual path, he will live the life chosen for him, working in his trained vocation. The other option is to dwell among the Acquiescent, who live by a strict set of rules and given the only vocation left; the production and administration of life sustaining medications. Many colonists do not trust the Acquiescent, yet they must rely on them. In fact, that is why Tyrell considers joining this council. Was there something else that could have been done for his sister to save her from her untimely death? Would the exchange of leaving everything he knows for a possible chance at redeeming the past be worth the risk? To make matters worse, tensions are mounting between the two colonies. Whatever he decides, there will be no turning back.

About me: I have written 13 inspirational romance novels/novellas, published through Pelican Ventures and Desert Breeze Publishing. In addition, I have written a Children’s Fictional book and have a few magazine articles published. Thank you for your time and considering this story. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. -- Blog friends, please pray that if it is God's will for this manuscript to get published, that it would fall into the hands of the right person. Also, let me know if there is someway I can make this better. For now~

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