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Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel? Growing up, I had the best hamster in the world, Buttons. He was a cream colored, long haired hamster that would sit on my textbooks and hang out with me while I did my homework. He was, well… cute as a button. When he was in his cage, he’d run like crazy on his wheel, then hop off and look around -- as if he was in a new place, that his running actually took him somewhere different, and he needed to check it out.

My life may have more in common with Buttons then I ever thought possible. I run, run, run, thinking I’m getting somewhere only to find that I’m pretty much where I started. Having four boys close in age (22, 21, soon to be 20, and 18) life moves fast. High school graduations quickly turn into college graduations and all the changes that entails. When our oldest started high school, I was working as a substitute teacher, which turned into a study hall monitor, which then turned into a health office assistant, which then turned into a medical assistant, which then turned into me going back into nursing, which now opened the door for me to work as a school nurse this school year. This is life over the past 8 years. Add into the mix a minister’s wife responsibilities, trying to squeeze in time for writing and friends, time with God, maintaining our home, helping my parents… kinda crazy huh? So, yeah… I get the hamster wheel.

My guess is that you do too. It’s so easy to lose sight of what is truly important. Yes, we are called to be a light to those around us in whatever way or place God has you, to do our best for His glory -- but even more important is remembering why. Do you know that what you do to make ends meet isn’t as important as your relationship with Christ? Do you know your to-do list isn’t as important as your relationship with Christ? Do you know parenting, your friendships, your spouse… you fill in the blank… isn’t as important as your relationship with Christ? (I’m asking myself these questions as much as I’m asking you.) If you and I know this in your heart of hearts, I invite you today to join me; find time to hop off that wheel you’re spinning on and enter into His presence and rest. It’s even more unchanging than Button’s little home. He’s our safety, our nourishment, our peace, our Savior. Let’s surrender our spinning wheels to Him today.

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