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Small Dreams, Big Rewards

Have you heard the latest Josh Wilson, Dream Small song? The first time I heard the lyrics, I was in my car on the way to work. What a great reminder the words were; it spoke to my heart. When I started writing my dream was to simply see if I could think up a plot and finish a story. I wondered, could I do it if I tried? Through learning many lessons the hard way, that dream did come true. Then, the long journey of finding a publisher interested in my project began in earnest. Even though I’ve come to realize this isn’t always the case with authors, it didn’t take me more than a year to find a publisher/editor of a very small company that offered me a contract. After working on some editing, before the story ever made its debut, the company went out of business. It took me another year or so before finding another company and after just a few months, this company too closed its doors. However, even though my book never made any money, just the fact that I found two companies that believed in my work, gave me the determination to keep going. God knew exactly what I needed with my doubts and limited writing abilities. Fast forward 21 years and thirteen books later… I still wonder, but hope that somehow, someway, my writing may encourage a reader. Would I love for a book to take off and become successful in sales? You bet -- but that’s when I need to be reminded that even if the hours of labor meant something to just one person, it’s worth it. I can find joy in fulfillment in this little place. I don’t want to miss this moment always hoping for something bigger (like a royalty payment that can buy more than a cup of coffee.;) God has me here for a reason and I need to trust Him, His timing, and His purposes. Do you have a dream that is so big, it’s preventing you from enjoying where you are? Then may I encourage you to refocus on God’s good plans for where He has you -- right here, right now. As Josh Wilson’s song says, “Of course, there's nothing wrong with bigger dreams Just don't miss the minutes on your way, your bigger things, no 'Cause these simple moments change the world”. Go, my friend and change the world in whatever special way God is sending you.

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