Day Eleven~ Invitation to Live Assured

Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing will be impossible.”
My Lesson~ I watched as Glenn threw Bella’s squeaky, pink, soft rubber ball across the living room. Our pup quickly ran to get it, but there was one problem… it went under the chair where her little paw couldn’t reach. She ran back to Glenn, tapped on his hand, then ran back to the recliner as if to say, “I can’t get this, but you can… come on, Dad!”
This morning I read the account of Gabriel’s visit to Mary in the book of Luke. When the angel told her she would give birth to a son, it was as if the ball was thrown under the chair. It was something that was impossible since she was a virgin.
Unlike Bella, who was trying to get my husband’s attention … It almost seems as if God is the one trying to get my attention. Did you catch it too? Mary asked, “How can this be?” The angel responded, “For with God nothing will be impossible.”
I hear the echo, ‘JoAnn, you can’t save yourself, but I can. My child, the good things you’ve done won’t earn your way into Heaven. I’ve sent you a Savior, my Son, and by asking Him to forgive your sins, I see you as clean.’
Wow, what a gift! What a treasure.
Prayer~ Father, so often I get caught up in trying to earn my way to You, or trying to do things in my own limited strength and/or power. If something seems impossible, I just give up rather than seek You and what you want to accomplish through the difficulty. Show me how to be like Bella and ask You for the help I need and trust the outcome to You.
Invitation~ Embrace God’s Sovereignty and remember whatever is in His will -- no matter how impossible it may seem-- will happen. He’s the God who can do impossible things.