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DAY FIFTEEN~ Invitation to Live Justly (Part One)

Matthew 7:21-23 (The Message)

“Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our super-spiritual projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit...’”

My Lesson~ Yesterday, while Glenn was at work, I was tidying up our home. I opened up his office door to put Dad’s jacket away in the closet. Bella followed me in and then back out. What I hadn’t realized at the time was that she found a pencil on the floor. 

Not paying attention to her, she ran into our bedroom. I still was unaware of what she had. (I should have had a clue something fishy was going on because she’s usually my shadow. Instead of being at my feet, she was off on her own.) Fast forward a few minutes and I joined her in our bedroom to fold laundry. I happened to look over to where she’s laying on the carpet. Our rug is the same color as she is, so I did a double take when something hot pink caught my eye. I was an eraser. As I walked closer, she jumped up with the yellow pencil hanging out of both sides of her mouth as if it were a bone-- and no matter how many times I said, “off” she wasn’t about to let go. Instead she jumped up and ran away from me!

Oh, the little stinker. How often in training do we go over this command with success? She knows exactly what I expected her to do, but instead she wouldn’t hold still and allow me to take the potentially harmful graphite filled wood away. Her will trumped my command. 

Hmm… do dogs sin? Okay, go ahead and laugh, cause I know you want to at my question. But seriously, it made me wonder, what exactly is sin? So I looked it up. One of definitions, in an abbreviated form, said, “Sin: refusal to obey an explicit command of God. Root: rebellion. Example: Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit.” 

Let me just step back and tell you that on my computer I have these posts saved under, “Bella & the Word.” This blog has all been about what God has been reminding me of, teaching me, and/or challenging me in as I watch our pup grow and interact with the world around her. So in light of that, I need to reflect and ask myself, “God, am I holding a pencil you’ve told me to let go?” And indeed… I actually have many pencils that I pick up from time to time. I’m going to stop here for today. Let’s spend some time thinking about this.

Prayer~ Father, there are so many things that look good, make sense, or seem right in my eyes that You, in Your infinite wisdom and love tells me, “off.” Make my heart desire You above all else. Give me a hunger and thirst for You today. As I spend some time examining my heart, reveal to me what is necessary. In Christ name, Amen.

Invitation~ Let’s spend some time today searching your heart. Are there any “pencils” that you’ve been unwilling to let go of? 

P.S Update on Bella’s shots from yesterday: The car ride was a bit better, but still hard for her. Although clearly anxious, she was a trooper for her shots and didn’t cry like last time. We made her appointment for next month, when she’ll be six months, for her to be spayed and to get her rabies shot. This will be the last of what she’ll need for her first year of life.


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