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DAY NINE- Invitation to Live Humbly

Scripture~ Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

My Lesson~ About two weeks ago Glenn and I took Bella on her first big road trip. We visited Jeff and Kirstin in Maine and then drove to Vermont for a memorial service where we had the opportunity to stay with Josh and Sarah. We knew with the small car rides we had taken her on up to this point, this would be no easy time for our little pup. Her little body quivers, she cries, and tries to squirm her way up to the front seat where Glenn is driving. The poor gal gets so upset that her tummy revolts.

Thankfully, Bella had been to the vet for some of her puppy shots the week before we left and I asked if there was anything that could help settle her down. Since we left at 3:30 am, I didn’t pre-dose her -- hoping she would just sleep through. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. She needed help. So I gave her Benadryl, wrapped my arms around her soft hair, and prayed for our little gal. I could feel my own body becoming tense in response to her fear. An old Rich Mullins song came to mind where he sings, “Hold me Jesus, cause I’m shaking like a leaf. You have been King of my Glory… would you be my Prince of Peace?”

How often do I humble myself and acknowledge my need for Jesus to hold me? To surrender my own will and rest in His? Oh that I would embrace the sure hope that He is my Prince of Peace today and forever.    

Prayer~ Father, thank you for holding me, even when I don’t acknowledge that you are. I wiggle and squirm like Bella, thinking I know what’s best… if I could only get out of this situation or circumstance… 

Instead You invite me to rest assured in Your love and trustworthiness. With Your strength, help me to do just that today. Thank you for being my Prince of Peace.

In Christ name, Amen. 

Invitation~ Listen to this song, “Hold Me Jesus” and ask God if there’s something He wants me to surrender so His peace can rule in my heart.


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