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Scripture~ Romans 12:14-16 (The Message)

“Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.”

My Lesson~

Many of you know that my Dad has health issues. Like any chronic problem some days are harder than others. Since Sunday, my dad’s been more uncomfortable than usual. As you can probably tell from my past post, Bella is usually my buddy during the day while Glenn is at work. However, yesterday was different. Our little girl chose to snuggle up with my Dad. She was with him all day. She napped with him, stayed on his lap while he was watching TV, and kept close to his side. 

I’m convinced Bella can sense that he’s feeling a bit blue and that he doesn’t feel well. It made me realize what a great example she is. This pup is sensitive to the needs around her and willing to share the simple “gift of presence” to comfort my Dad while he’s feeling down. She has no words to say, no hands to prepare a casserole, or money to buy him the latest gadget. But what she had, (puppy kisses and a warm little body) she offered freely.

It’s easy to laugh with our happy friends… but it’s equally important to be there for each other for the struggles as well. Yet another lesson I’m reminded of from my pup. In a very tangible way, she’s being used by God, to let Dad know he’s loved and that she/God cares for him. I may not have the little puppy kisses to share as she does, but I can offer a hug, a listening ear and sometimes share the quiet space and just “be” with the one who is struggling.     

Prayer~ Lord, make my heart sensitive to the needs of those around me. Show me Father, how I can be your hands and feet today to share Your love. Thank you for the people that you send to me in my times of need as well, for Your many blessings and the ways You care for me. Help me not be blinded to whose hand (Yours) is ultimately behind meeting my every need.

In Christ name, Amen.

Invitation~ Is there someone God has brought to your mind who is struggling today? Make space and time to be available to God’s leading on how He wants you to journey alongside them. A phone call, a candy cane and Christmas carol, a prayer… the gift of presence with a visit -- He can use anything. Remember, He uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him.



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