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DAY TWELVE - Invitation to Live Prayerfully


Psalm 119: 33-40 (MSG)

“God, teach me lessons for living

    so I can stay the course.

Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—

    my whole life one long, obedient response.

Guide me down the road of your commandments;

    I love traveling this freeway!

Give me an appetite for your words of wisdom,

    and not for piling up loot.

Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,

    invigorate me on the pilgrim way.

Affirm your promises to me—

    promises made to all who fear you.

Deflect the harsh words of my critics—

    but what you say is always so good.

See how hungry I am for your counsel;

    preserve my life through your righteous ways!”

My Lesson~ There’s a golf course behind our home that has a perimeter sidewalk, where Bella and I like to walk. Yesterday, while we made our partial lap, the HOA was blowing out the sprinkler system. Water rushed out as the air purged the system. She stopped and stared at the water shooting up towards the sky. Our puppy wasn’t scared but completely distracted. Bella couldn’t hear me urging her to walk on. Instead of heading towards home, she just wanted to watch the strange scene before her.  

Distractions -- I can relate! I love how the Message paraphrases the passage above. I WANT to live, “my whole life one long, obedient response.” However, the reality of my days is that usually, ‘the loot (Christmas shopping), toys (my phone and computer) and trinkets’ (recipes, Hallmark movies, novelties on my to-do list) are what catch my eye rather than ‘living by His words of wisdom’. The good new is that here’s hope and help found in these verses.  The psalmist says to the Lord, “Guide me…, Give me an appetite…, divert my eyes…, invigorate me…, affirm your promises to me…” 

The writer is counting on God to do the work. Just as I called Bella by name and pulled on her leash to help her refocus, praise God, He can also refocus me and my thoughts so I can, walk on.      

Prayer~ Lord, help me dwell, remain, be held and kept in You today as You give me the ability to do so. May Your Spirit quicken and chastise me so that I can, “stay the course” until You call me home.

In Christ name, Amen

Invitation~ With God’s help, recognize the distractions that are pulling your focus away from Him this Christmas season. Then prayerfully ask Him to once again help you keep, “The main thing, the MAIN THING.”



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